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Sensory Education, Music & Movement,




40 hours


About the Course

Sensorial course will include rationale and developmental aims of this core curriculum component as it relates to the foundation of mathematical thinking: sorting, organizing, classifying, and seriating. This course will also take into consideration the diverse and culturally rich, relevant and authentic sensory experiences and activities that are both found in nature and within a cultural context. Harnessing the child’s absorbent mind by using concrete materials and experiences that develops the sensory acuity in visual, muscular/tactile, olfactory, gustatory and auditory enables the child to make sens of the world. Adult Learners will understand that a multi-sensory approach to education will benefit all types of learning styles. Adult Learners will learn how to design and implement multi-sensory curriculum into their classroom environment. 

Music and movement course is an extension of sensorial as it continues to develop acuity of the senses. Music and movement  fine tunes the coordination of the brain and body. This course will include music appreciation through learning concepts of rhythmic skills,singing skills, instrumental skills. Music and movement will be used as a creative avenue of learning the history for performing artists from diverse backgrounds and expressing liberation. 

Your Instructor

Sovandara Chhin & Cheryl Dauber

Sovandara Chhin & Cheryl Dauber
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