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Student Teaching Practicum SELF-DIRECTED




540 hours


About the Course

All requirements for the supervised practicum also apply to the self-directed practicum, with the exception that the adult learner has partial or full responsibility for the Montessori class without the daily guidance of a qualified supervising teacher in the classroom. Adult learners may qualify for the self- directed practicum with one or more of the following prerequisites, along with written approval of the teacher education program director:

  1. Prior experience as an assistant in a Montessori environment

  2. Two or more years of previous teaching experience at the Early Childhood age level

  3. A bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited U.S. college or university, or its equivalent

  4. A qualified supervising teacher is not available

    The minimum hours for the full practicum is 540 hours.

Participate in monthly Practicum Seminars and complete Practicum Year Long Project

A minimum of 3 on-site consultation/evaluation visits by a qualified field consultant plus additional support that is documented on the AMS Credential Recommendation Form is required. Additional support must include one or more of the following: extra visits, a local mentor teacher, monthly communication, or other support designed by the director. To best support the growth of the adult learner, the consultations/evaluation visits must be spread throughout the practicum phase.

Your Instructor

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